Stuff Sector

      Prepared by  
      Santhosh (Admin) 
Important questions 
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Don't waste my hardwork and valuable time

** Most important 
++ Most repeated questions 
Read all question given below don't skip any questions to get good 👍 marks 
1.Complete analyse of yoga**++
2.Scope and Importance of Professional ethics
3.Integrity,Honesty & Courage
1.Kohlberg’s theory Gilligan’s theory**++
2.Theories about right action**
3.Moral dilemmas ,Moral Autonomy

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1.Engineers as responsible Experimenters**++
2.Codes of Ethics**
1.Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)++
2.Employee Rights
3. Risk Benefit Analysis and Reducing Risk **++
2.Computer Ethics**
3.Engineers as Managers,(Consulting,Witnesses and Advisor's)**

1.Compulsory Questions {a case study where the student will have to read and analyse the subject }
mostly asked from unit 3 (OR) a situation given and you have to answer on your own

don't waste my hardwork and valuable time

As Engineer i think you know how to respect another
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Contact uS *These questions are expected for the exams This may or may not be asked for exams
    All the best.... from admin Santhosh

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UNIT I HUMAN VALUES Morals, values and Ethics – Integrity – Work ethic – Service learning – Civic virtue – Respect for others – Living peacefully – Caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage – Valuing time – Cooperation – Commitment – Empathy – Self Confidence – Character – Spirituality – Introduction to Yoga and meditation for professional excellence and stress management. UNIT II ENGINEERING ETHICS Senses of Engineering Ethics – Variety of moral issues – Types of inquiry – Moral dilemmas – Moral Autonomy – Kohlberg’s theory – Gilligan‘s theory – Consensus and Controversy – Models of professional roles – Theories about right action – Self-interest – Customs and Religion – Uses of Ethical Theories. UNIT III ENGINEERING AS SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION Engineering as Experimentation – Engineers as responsible Experimenters – Codes of Ethics – A Balanced Outlook on Law. UNIT IV SAFETY, RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS Safety and Risk – Assessment of Safety and Risk – Risk Benefit Analysis and Reducing Risk – Respect for Authority – Collective Bargaining – Confidentiality – Conflicts of Interest – Occupational Crime – Professional Rights – Employee Rights – Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – Discrimination. UNIT V GLOBAL ISSUES Multinational Corporations – Environmental Ethics – Computer Ethics – Weapons Development – Engineers as Managers – Consulting Engineers – Engineers as Expert Witnesses and Advisors – Moral Leadership –Code of Conduct – Corporate Social Responsibility

Santhosh (Admin)

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