Prepared by
S.Santhosh (Admin)
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1.Comparing EDA with classical and Bayesian analysis
2.reshaping and pivoting, Grouping Datasets, data aggregation ,Pivot tables and cross-tabulations.
1.Simple scatter plots,Line plots, three dimensional plotting
2.density and contour plots, Geographic Data with Basemap,Visualization with Seaborn
1.Distributions and Variables
2.Scaling and Standardizing ,Inequality
1.Relationships between Two Variables Percentage Tables
2.Scatterplots and Resistant Lines
1.Fundamentals of TSA,characteristics od TSD
2.Visualizing , Grouping, Resampling
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Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctorUNIT IEXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSISEDA fundamentals - Understanding data science - Significance of EDA - Making sense of data - Comparing EDA with classical and Bayesian analysis - Software tools for EDA - Visual Aids for EDA- Data transformation techniques-merging database, reshaping and pivoting. Transformation techniques - Grouping Datasets - data aggregation - Pivot tables and cross-tabulations.UNIT IIVISUALIZING USING MATPLOTLIBImporting Maplotlib - Simple line plots - Simple scatter plots - visualizing errors - density and contour plots - Histograms - legends - colors - subplots - text and annotation - customization - three dimensional plotting - Geographic Data with Basemap. Visualization with Seaborn.UNIT III UNIVARIATE ANALYSISIntroduction to Single variable: Distributions and Variables - Numerical Summaries of Level and Spread - Scaling and Standardizing - Inequality - Smoothing Time Series.UNIT IV BIVARIATE ANALYSISRelationships between Two VariablesPercentage Tables - Analyzing Contingency TablesHandling Several Batches - Scatterplots and Resistant Lines - Transformations.UNIT V MULTIVARIATE AND TIME SERIES ANALYSISIntroducing a Third Variable • Causal Explanations • Three-Variable Contingency Tables and Beyond - Longitudinal Data - Fundamentals of TSA - Characteristics of time series data - DataCleaning - Time-based indexing - Visualizing - Grouping - Resampling.
Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements
If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctor
EDA fundamentals - Understanding data science - Significance of EDA - Making sense of data - Comparing EDA with classical and Bayesian analysis - Software tools for EDA - Visual Aids for EDA- Data transformation techniques-merging database, reshaping and pivoting. Transformation techniques - Grouping Datasets - data aggregation - Pivot tables and cross-tabulations.
UNIT IIVISUALIZING USING MATPLOTLIBImporting Maplotlib - Simple line plots - Simple scatter plots - visualizing errors - density and contour plots - Histograms - legends - colors - subplots - text and annotation - customization - three dimensional plotting - Geographic Data with Basemap. Visualization with Seaborn.
Introduction to Single variable: Distributions and Variables - Numerical Summaries of Level and Spread - Scaling and Standardizing - Inequality - Smoothing Time Series.
Relationships between Two Variables
Percentage Tables - Analyzing Contingency Tables
Handling Several Batches - Scatterplots and Resistant Lines - Transformations.
Introducing a Third Variable • Causal Explanations • Three-Variable Contingency Tables and Beyond - Longitudinal Data - Fundamentals of TSA - Characteristics of time series data - Data
Cleaning - Time-based indexing - Visualizing - Grouping - Resampling.